A partnership between the Franciscan Study Center at Tilburg University, NL and the Franciscan Institute at Saint Bonaventure University, NY
Living Room Conversations
Krijn Pansters   |   January 22, 2021

Living Room Conversations are a simple way to connect across divides - politics, age, gender, race, nationality, and more.

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Celebrating Saint Clare of Assisi
Krijn Pansters   |   January 21, 2021
Church | Spirituality | Leadership | Care

Clare challenges us to incorporate simplicity, singleness of purpose and unity within families and communities into the complexity of our 21st-century lives.

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New Documentary on Capuchin Formation
David Couturier   |   January 13, 2021
Church | Society | Spirituality

This film comprehensively takes the layman through the stages of formation and explains their purpose within the Franciscan movement.

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"We Belong to Each Other"
Krijn Pansters   |   January 12, 2021
Church | Ethics | Society | Spirituality | Care

What do we owe, as individuals and communities, to our ancestors and children, our neighbors and our nation? What is our responsibility to the created world, the political order, and to God?

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Interview Professor of Religion Dr. Timothy J. Johnson
Krijn Pansters   |   January 9, 2021
Church | Spirituality | Leadership

Timothy Johnson discusses the recent publication of Saint Bonaventure: Friar, Teacher, Minister, Bishop: A Celebration of the Eighth Centenary of his Birth.

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