A partnership between the Franciscan Study Center at Tilburg University, NL and the Franciscan Institute at Saint Bonaventure University, NY
Four Shapes of Transformation
The Editors    |   January 23, 2024

In this article, Richard Rohr builds upon Ken Wilber's model of four stages (Cleaning Up, Growing Up, Waking Up, and Showing Up) of moral and spiritual development.

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Merry Christmas!
The Editors    |   December 22, 2023
Politics | Church | Ethics | Society | Spirituality | Economy | Ecology | Leadership | Care

The editors and members of the advisory council wish the readers of our blog Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Saint Francis and the Lepers Catch Up with COVID
The Editors    |   December 21, 2023

How Francis lived in relation to a leprosy pandemic makes him a source of insight to as well as a potential critic of contemporary responses to COVID.

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A Narrative Analysis of Greccio’s Christmas Celebration
The Editors    |   December 13, 2023

The significance of Greccio’s Christmas celebration can be sought in its artistic value, its theological message of the Incarnation, and its influence on the nativity scene today.

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How Do We Make Humility Important Again?
The Editors    |   December 12, 2023

“Humility is the first step in self-reflection,” writes Christopher M. Bellitto in his new book, Humility: The Secret of a Lost Virtue.

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